Showing 1 - 25 of 360 Results
Life and Adventures of Lewis Wetzel by Hartley, Cecil B., Badgley,... ISBN: 9781449507473 List Price: $19.95
Life and Times of Colonel Daniel Boone (Illustrated Edition) (Dodo Press) by Hartley, Cecil B., Boone, D... ISBN: 9781406532579 List Price: $16.99
The Gentlemen's Book Of Etiquette, And Manual Of Politeness (1873) by Hartley, Cecil B. ISBN: 9781166370152 List Price: $36.76
The life of Gen. Francis Marion: also, lives of Generals Moultier and Pickens, and Governor ... by Cecil B. [from old catalog]... ISBN: 9781175600004 List Price: $31.75
Life and Times of Colonel Daniel Boone by Hartley, Cecil B. ISBN: 9781175962768 List Price: $35.75
Life of the Empress Josephine : Wife of Napoleon I (1870) by Hartley, Cecil B. ISBN: 9781166615444 List Price: $27.16
Life of the Empress Josephine : Wife of Napoleon I (1870) by Hartley, Cecil B. ISBN: 9781166667221 List Price: $39.16
Life and Adventures of Lewis Wetzel, the Virginia Ranger by Hartley, Cecil B., White, G... ISBN: 9781165568352 List Price: $36.76
Life and Adventures of Lewis Wetzel, the Virginia Ranger by Hartley, Cecil B., White, G... ISBN: 9781165544127 List Price: $24.76
Gentlemen's Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness by Hartley, Cecil B. ISBN: 9781166316211 List Price: $24.76
Life of the Empress Josephine : Wife of Napoleon I. by Hartley, Cecil B. ISBN: 9781173041823 List Price: $34.75
Life of Daniel Boone, the Great Western Hunter and Pioneer by Hartley, Cecil B. ISBN: 9783849198732 List Price: $39.99
Life and Times of Colonel Daniel Boone by Hartley, Cecil B. ISBN: 9781277570854 List Price: $34.75
Life of Daniel Boone, the Founder of the State of Kentucky by Hartley, Cecil B. ISBN: 9781276291507 List Price: $32.75
Life of Daniel Boone the Great Western Hunter and Pioneer by Cecil B. Hartley ISBN: 9781500245917 List Price: $6.99
Life of Daniel Boone: The Great Western Hunter and Pioneer by Cecil B. Hartley ISBN: 9781494741099 List Price: $9.99
Life of Major General Henry Lee, Commander of Lee's Legion in the Revolutionary War, and Sub... by B, Cecil, Hartley, Cecil ISBN: 9781173226770 List Price: $32.75
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